Bringing Families Together
We Are A Local Firm With A Global Reach

adoption services
Focused On You And Your Family

Perhaps you and your partner are considering adopting a child. Maybe you are already in the middle of the adoption process, but have run into roadblocks. At Dempsey Law, PLLC, our practice is devoted to helping individuals, couples and families in North Carolina, in Florida and around the world come together.

Whether you are pursuing an international adoption, you have remarried and wish to bring a stepchild under your care, or you and your partner have questions regarding surrogacy and assisted reproduction, we will surround you with the information, support and legal resources to guide you toward your goal of becoming parents.

internationally recognized
Adoption And Immigration Services

Is Our Core Value

It’s no secret that the adoption process — particularly international adoption — is incredibly complex. Many prospective parents feel helpless as they attempt to navigate foreign adoption laws, U.S. immigration policies and numerous other foreign and domestic adoption procedures.

The heart of our mission at Dempsey Law, PLLC, is to help families overcome these obstacles through strong advocacy and representation. By working one-on-one with you, we will find the most effective way to bring you and your child together.

Smiling women with infant in stroller

Recent Blogs

How does stepparent adoption help children inherit?

Making the decision to adopt your stepchildren can do a lot to enrich their lives while you are around to help raise them. Adopting them may also provide them with a good future following your death. When you adopt a child, the government grants that child certain…

Is your house ready for your adoption home study?

Deciding to adopt a child is likely one of the most fulfilling and exciting moments of your life. But it is also going to be one of the most stressful. After all, you have to go through a long and detailed process in order to gain approval for adoption.  A big part of…

Preparing your family for an upcoming adoption

The idea of adopting another member into your family can bring anticipation and excitement. Preparing your other children to welcome a new sibling can help them to feel more confident about the process. Educating your family ahead of time will also provide your…

Smiling family

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Of Our Commitment And Service


When we were first introduced to Kelly Dempsey in May 2011, our family had very little hope left. For three years we had been stuck in the middle of adoption nightmare trying to get our son out of his orphanage in a country that was not willing to let him go. Any progress we gained had grinded to a halt. Within weeks, Kelly had us in Washington, D.C., meeting with more than 40 members of Congress explaining the urgency of our son’s situation and what…

My husband Chris and I felt powerless as we waited to bring our daughter Laxmi home. All that changed after I called Kelly Dempsey. I knew that with her in our court, we would be empowered and equipped to move forward and become the family we dreamed of being. Kelly is tough, smart, passionate, dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable….

In December of 2010, after struggling for 3 years with our international adoption, we made one of the best decisions of our lives; hiring Kelly to represent us in our quest to bring our son home. For people who are struggling with complex or troubling adoptions, I would unequivocally encourage you to speak with Kelly and to have her represent you. Kelly was the most effective advocate we could have had for our cause. As a former corporate litigator, Kelly is never…

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