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Adoption and a child’s gender

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2021 | domestic adoption

If you are preparing to adopt a child, there are many factors to consider, from the financial commitments associated with adoption to the potential emotional hurdles some children face. Other issues, such as the age and even the gender of a child also require consideration. For some parents, reviewing data on these issues helps them offer support to children most in need.

Adoption plays an important role in the well-being of many children residing in foster homes, but prospective parents need to prepare for the responsibilities that come with adoption. Sometimes, children have unique requirements as a result of their age, gender, background or health.

Data on adoption and gender

The Administration for Children and Families reports that during fiscal year 2012, male children accounted for 50.9% of adopted children and female children accounted for 49.1% of all adoptions. During fiscal year 2016, this gap increased, as 51.2% of adoptions involved male children and 48.8% involved female children. In fiscal year 2016, more than 57,200 adoptions took place in the U.S.

Focusing on gender during adoption

For some adoptive parents, a child’s gender is very important, while others do not care whether they adopt a boy or a girl. Often, parents are able to specify whether they wish to adopt a boy or a girl, but some parents are only able to choose the gender of the child they wish to adopt if the child is older. Make sure you understand the unique needs of your child as a result of their gender and take steps to make the transition easier for the entire family.