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What do you know about bonding with your adopted child?

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2022 | domestic adoption

While you may worry about connecting with your adopted child, remember that every parent navigates this common concern. As an adoptive parent, how do you overcome this unique hurdle?

With help from Adoption & Beyond, learn tips for connecting with the newest member of your family. While it may take a bit of effort and time, you and your child may forge a strong, loving bond.

Use inclusive language

When possible, use language that includes your adoptive son or daughter as part of the family. For instance, say, “It is a beautiful day for us to go to the park as a family.” This helps your new child integrate into your household and feel like part of the family.

Communicate often

Try to communicate with your child as much as possible. This helps your child get used to your voice and learn to associate it with safety and comfort. Even if you adopt a baby or toddler, talk with her or him. With older children, constant communication helps them get used to talking with you and gives them chances to open up, share and connect.

Brush off rejection

Just as it may take you time to adjust to your new child, the same applies to your daughter or son. She or he could reject you as a parent and build walls to keep you out. Try not to let this upset you much, as some kids have a past that makes it hard for them to trust in and rely on others, especially adults. Forging a bond takes time, and you must give your new child time to get used to your home.

When you have the right insights, you may find it easier to create a sound foundation for a loving relationship with your adopted child.