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Knowledgeable And Skilled Divorce Attorneys

Divorce can be extremely contentious, and it often requires knowledgeable legal counsel to prevent further escalation. During a divorce, everything you hold dear can be at stake. This includes concerns regarding your finances, home, property and even your children.

At Dempsey Law, PLLC, in Charlotte, our attorneys understand your concerns and will do everything in our power to resolve your divorce or separation promptly and cost-effectively. We will also do what we can to minimize stress for both you and your children.

Understanding Your Needs And Concerns

Divorce is difficult for all who goes through the process, and therefore the decision to divorce or separate is never easy. The experienced family law lawyers at Dempsey Law understand this. We put the needs and concerns of everyone we represent at the center of our practice. The legal strategy we create is based on the particular circumstances of each case.

Before implementing any strategy, we sit down with you and help you understand the entire legal process. We will also provide you with a straightforward assessment regarding the possible outcome of your case. This is particularly true when discussing potentially contentious child custody issues. Whether through negotiation or litigation, we will fight for your interests and the interests of your family.

Providing Fairness During The Property Division Process

Issues pertaining to division of everything you own can prove to be stressful. In North Carolina, the standard is to divide property equitably. This means that the division should be fair, though not necessarily equal.

At Dempsey Law, we are committed to fighting for you to ensure that any property division is fair and is in accordance with your needs. We have access to property valuation experts who can work with you and testify on your behalf. With extensive litigation experience, our attorneys will look out for your interests in court.

Attorneys Who Are There For You

It is not our goal to be retained by you regarding a single case. Rather, we wish to create a long-term working relationship with you and to assist you in the future whenever you have a need for legal representation. To contact our firm to set up an initial consultation, please call our Charlotte, North Carolina, law office at 704-251-2500 or our Boca Raton, Florida, law office at 561-489-2248. You can also complete our online contact form (there is a $50 consult fee).